We are a house of brands.
Conceived by women. Rooted in revolution.
Handcrafted and curated with spirit.
Exclusively made in the heart of México.

From Our Mesón to Yours

Mesón Hidalgo showcases internationally renowned designer Laura Kirar’s timeless, expressive creations in every room, and through exclusive home and accessories collections in our house boutiques. In all her work, and most intimately at Mesón, Laura seeks to foster artistic exploration and inspiration through art, craft, and design from around the world. (Especially, her beloved México.)

A reflection of botanical wealth, artisanal mastery, cutting-edge design, and olfactory delight, Xinú’s exquisite, natural, and native fragrances document and pay homage to the visual and olfactory vastness of the flora of the Americas. The Xinú boutique at Mesón is a testament to its founders’ deep respect for the raw beauty of nature, science, art, and human connection.